We are back and ready for 2025!


Our generation grow up in a era where going to the shop and buying the product that smelled the best to you was normal. When I had my first child I wanted to know what I was putting on my little baby. I was mortified when I started looking into products and the ingredients that was used to make them. So I started researching natural ingredients and how I can use them. This gave me not only the ability to know exactly what I’m putting on my babies body but it opened my eyes to a whole new world of making my own products.

People think it is so difficult to make products but in all honesty it isn’t. Everyone can make their own products you just have to be open to learning.
The thing that has been the hardest on this journey is my own mind shift. We should stop trying to copy the chemical based products. We should rather embrace the natural ingredients in there rawest form and build on that to create finished products that works for you and your needs. We should STOP the cycle, be informed and take back control. WE ALL CAN.
These are things that I never buy anymore:


1. Cleaning products
( All-purpose cleaner, carpet cleaner, Mold & mildew spray, soft scrub )
Our Cleaning recipe book is full of recipes I use daily in my house. Easy to make and very cost effective.

2. Deodorant and perfume
I make the deodorant pre-mix and for my perfume I make the solid perfume pre-mix.



3. Body lotion

In the summer I prefer a lighter lotion that is not oil based so I use our cream base and in the winter I like our Body butter pre-mix.


4. Dry shampoo
I absolutely love this product,  as a mom with 2 young children life is busy and you can’t put yourself first. The recipe I use can be found in our Body and Beauty recipe book.


5. Eye Balm / Face serum / Toner/ Face mask
I make the under eye balm. The serum and face mask is from our Body and Beauty recipe book and I use rosewater as my toner.

6. Bath Salt

I make this recipe in bulk and refill my reusable bath bag for each bath.


7. Lip Balm
I love making my own natural lip balm. I always add Zinc Oxide (non nano) for extra sun protection. The recipe I use can be found in our Body and Beauty recipe book.


8. Hand wash

I either make foaming hand soap from our Cleaning recipe book or use our Body wash base.

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