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Does making your own natural products overwhelm you? At first I found myself very overwhelmed by all the information. I then started following these steps and it not only helped me to save money but made my experience fun.


1. Notebook

Get yourself a notebook. I got myself one when I started my journey and I always go back to look at my recipe’s and notes.

2. List

Now it’s time to start making lists. I found it easier to divide the products you would like to make for example:


Body butter, Face serum, Eye serum, Hand wash, Body wash


General cleaner, Toilet cleaner, Laundry detergent, Soft scrub, Window cleaner


Room / Linen Spray, Chest rub, Lip balm

3. Time

It’s good to make a timeline of when you would like to make each product by. That way you know when you will need what and when you will need to make it. This also allows you to look at your current products and plan when to switch just before you run out.

4. Recipe’s

For me this was the most overwhelming part. We have your back! We have so many options to make this process as stress free as possible. Have a look at our e-book, Pre-mixes or kits. They are all tested, works and loved by us.

5. Product list

Now make a list of the products you need and time you need it buy, this way you can work it into your budget.

Tip: Don’t go overboard. Start with simple recipes, as your confidence builds you can change your recipes to fit your personal needs.

6. Have Fun!

Last but not least, HAVE FUN! Get the family involved, it is so much fun, and a great way to teach your family to naturally look after themselves.

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